Wednesday, May 12, 2010


These are scary times. The world is changing so fast, that we are all struggling to keep up. Every day there is a no way of doing something, and old things become obsolete and if you blink, you'll miss it. Business, especially retail, has been on a crazy roller coaster, unlike anything I've ever seen in my 15 years of doing business. And, it doesn't really seem possible to create a secure future. Anyone, anytime, could find themselves broke, out of business, obsolete, at any moment. I was watching Oprah last week and I saw good people who were loosing their homes, through no fault of their own. I talk to great people that we've worked with for years, who are closing their doors because they just can't make it, and I think, "why, how?" How can I prevent it from happening to me, and sadly, I realize I don't know those answers. I think the best we can all do, is the best we can do, in each and every moment. I get up every morning, have my coffee, talk to my husband. I wake my kids, make their breakfast, pack their lunch. I drop them off, and come to work, and I think, what will I give the world today? I put the best that I have to offer into the world (and admittedly, sometimes it's not that much), through our work. I try and always learn, grow and get better. I try to be the voice of love, and sometimes I'm successful and sometimes I'm not. I go home, sit with my family, and realize, this is it. This is security. It's not ensuring my business will grow and my bank accounts to, keeping me from the "streets". It's security in knowing that I do the best I can. I have love in my life, copious, luscious, waves of love. That's enough.


  1. You've summed up my thoughts so well! I used to stress and fret each day about building my business so that I could leave a more secure future for my children. However, over the course of the past few years- through divorce, upheaval of family and business, relocation to a new state and marrying a new husband- I've found myself coming home to the values my parents had always taught me. My new husband shares these same values of family, love, commitment, friendship and charity. Those values are what are most important to leave our children in this life. You and I are both so blessed. I know you give every day of yourself to those you love, as well as strangers. You're a wonderful inspiration to us all, Mary!

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  3. I agree with you whole-heartedly!! At times I wish I could enjoy my friends and family more because I worry about work, school and money. I try to wake up everyday and do my best but my comfort is at home with the ones I love. Sometimes your best may not be enough and sometimes it’s all you need. Today’s world is changing so fast that it’s hard to keep up but in the end all will be o.k. You just have to stay strong and believe in yourself!!
